List of supplies you will need.....
1. A scrap piece of 1x6 atleast 12" long
2. 1/4" wing nuts(4)
3. Copper wire 20 gauge ( you can use heavy paper clips-2)
4. 1/4" thread rod 3ft long
5. 2 1/2" C clamps (2)
6. 1x1/4" washers (4)
7. 5/8x1/4" washers (4)
8. 220 grit sand paper
9. Small felt sticky back dots (optional)
You will also need a measuring tape, a pencil, speed square, hack saw, regular saw or power saw, 1" Fostner or spade bit, 1/4" drill bit and a drill press or hand drill. Keep the band-aids close to, just in case.
Cut 2 pieces of the wood to 5 1/2" to make squares. Then using square mark the center on both.
Using the 1" drill bit drill half way through the wood making a counter sink. Then with the 1/4" drill bit go all the way through so you can thread the rod.