Saturday, October 29, 2011

Amethyst and it's healing powers.

The Amethyst is one of my all time favorite stones and I new a little bit about it's healing properties but I decided to find out a bit more and share it with you. So if you love amethyst and wonder what draws you to it or if you are just curious about stones in general please enjoy this small look into the stone.
Amethyst Calms the mind, enhances mental activity and lends strength and will power to control passions and break undesirable habits 
Physical: Balances metabolism, stimulates tissue regeneration and increases the production of red corpuscles. May be used to treat disorders of blood sugar levels and lapses in the immune system. 
Emotional: Amplifies thought, increases intuition and integrates emotional, mental and spiritual bodies to function as a single unit.
For more information on stones and there meanings please visit

      It is the stone for the 7th Chakra or the crown chakra which is the spirituality, strength and passion center. I find this very interesting simply because when I was young my favorite color was red which almost the complete opposite on the chakra, but as an adult I am drawn to the balancing effect of amethyst. It makes me feel creative and at peace with myself as well as my work and that is why I chose it for my company color.
I also find that people are drawn to it no matter their personality. It is also one of my most popular stones among customers, even if they don't normally wear purple they are drawn to the pieces I make with amethyst. Amethyst is a wonderful stone to use for healing and well being. Go out and get a small piece and hang it around your neck or stick it in your pocket, or even put it on your desk. It sure can't hurt to give it a try.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Something new for Christmas

Primitive Star

Made a few new things for Christmas including a set of primitive star ornaments. Check them out at my Etsy store. Buy Three or more sets or items and get free shipping. Contact me through a conversation on Etsy for the coupon code.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Paint without Paint part 2

Just a small update on the last post. After the easel is all wet you can also go over it with the chalk and the colors are much more vibrant. Going back and forth between chalk and water also is fun for Jake and all I have to do is wipe the board after or leave it to see what is revealed after the water goes on over the chalk.
Also it is necessary to have a good chalk board ( not the cheap ones) because as a friend told me all the water made the board soft. Oops. Have fun everyone and happy painting.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Painting without paint

This may seem a little strange but I was amazed at the outcome of one frustrating afternoon. My son was being, well a terrible two year old and nothing seemed to interest him. So I thought ok, painting always makes him happy. I got out the plastic to cover the floor, the artist bib to protect his clothes and separated three colors into a mini muffin tin for him. He immediately poured all the colors into the small container of water meant for washing the brushes and never touched the paper on the easel, then asked for more paint and clean water, what?

     Ok, deep breathe later, I turned the easel around to the chalk board side and said why don't we draw with chalk, nope, not interested, but then an accident occurred. While I was cleaning up the brown water and empty paint tray, his brush that only had clean water on it touched the chalk board.
He played with the clean water and different paint brushes for over two hours, which is a record for this almost never stand still and do anything for more than ten minutes kid. He painted without paint over and over again as it dried each time and claimed a picture of a witch, a cat, a pumpkin, what ever he wanted it to be. I got into the action too and it was actually quite freeing.

     Who would have thought a project that is completely mess free could be so fun and enhancing. We have played paint without paint and imaginary art a few times since and it has been just as rewarding.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Buzz Light Year costume part 2

 Well here it is!!!!!
I began with white sweatshirt material for the hoody jacket and then hand colored and painted the hood and the badges. I used green knit for the vest and black knit for the pockets. I used a fun stitch to sew it and give it a look of metal seams. I also made some pants with white knit and green cuffs. Now to hide it until Halloween. I bought the wings and I will post pics of my son in it after halloween. Enjoy. If anyone is interested in the pattern for the jacket let me know. I have it saved.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Buzz Light Year costume

I am currently creating a Buzz light Year costume for my almost 3 year old because I couldn't find one that was a good quality and didn't cost an arm and a leg. I found Pajama's but none in his size and a sweatshirt on the Disney website that was out of my price range. And so I am making a sweatshirt he can wear again and a pair of knit pants he can use for pajamas also. It has been challenging to figure out how to get the patches ( having to hand draw them,eeek) and it has been fun to overcome these challenges. I will be posting photos when I finish which I hope will be some time this week or next so stay tuned.