Monday, May 30, 2011

How to Make a Charm Bracelet Hammock (Inspired by Chain Sta Stabilization Solution)

I have seen these for sale from many jewelry suppliers but they always seem to flimsy for my needs, so I asked my very handy husband to help me come up with a design that was colapsable and easy to make, and of course as inexpensive as possible. I hope you like it. It has made it much easier for me to work with charms and bead placement as well giving me a portable work shop that I can virtually set up any where, including at my art shows. This brings lots of traffic to my booth and a way to open the communication to the customers. I Love it!

List of supplies you will need.....
1. A scrap piece of 1x6 atleast 12" long
2. 1/4" wing nuts(4)
3. Copper wire 20 gauge ( you can use heavy paper clips-2)
4. 1/4" thread rod 3ft long
5.  2 1/2" C clamps (2)
6. 1x1/4" washers (4)
7. 5/8x1/4" washers (4)
8. 220 grit sand paper
9. Small felt sticky back dots (optional)

You will also need a measuring tape, a pencil, speed square, hack saw, regular saw or power saw, 1" Fostner or spade bit, 1/4" drill bit and a drill press or hand drill. Keep the band-aids close to, just in case.

Cut 2 pieces of the wood to 5 1/2" to make squares. Then using square mark the center on both. 

Using the 1" drill bit drill half way through the wood making a counter sink. Then with the 1/4" drill bit go all the way through so you can thread the rod.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time Management

     I have come to the point in my life when I seem to never have enough time to do all the things I want to and also all the things I have to do. I am certain I am not alone in this problem and that it is not a new issue that has occurred in this century.
In fact it seems to be that it has been a very popularly subject for many of books. The best part is that you can go on the internet, look in the local book store or even the library and find multitudes of information on how                to organize your time and get more of it.

     I have spent lots of evening reading and then making lists for every thing imaginable. I made a grocery list that is on my fridge so all I have to do is circle what I'm out of to make it more efficient, but I still manage to forget something. I have a calendar for all the house keeping things I have to do over the week and my child's activities and my own and still never seem to do any of it on the day listed. I make a memo every morning of what I want to accomplish that day and I actually almost get it all done, but never all of it completely.

     I have come to the realization that no matter how organized I try to be, I spend more time trying to get organized than I do actually accomplishing anything, lol. Also Life happens and so a calendar or list must be looked at as reference material or you will never go to sleep trying to check it all off.
I do use my lists and calendars, but I have come to look at them very differently as time has gone on and I feel less stressed about not getting them finished.

     So use them yes, but don't get all crazy about them, there are more important things to worry about other than the milk you forgot. Relax a bit and enjoy the things you can do. Happy Time Management :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Southwestern Crock pot Chicken

Just wanted to share a new dish I came up with and my family loved. Enjoy!

This recipe makes a lot and can be frozen for another night or even 2 depending on your family size.

4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2-8oz cans tomatoe sauce(can use chunky tomatoes if you want)
1 package of taco seasoning
1/2 cup fresh or frozen pineapple chunks cut into small pieces
1 to 2 cup frozen corn
1  can kidney beans
2 tbls brown sugar
garlic salt to taste

Place chicken in crock pot. Mix all other ingredients in a large bowl and pour over the chicken. Cook 4-5 hours. Chicken can be served as is with a scoop of the bean mixure. Or shred it and mix back in and make awesome burittos, just add cheese and any other stuff you like. Yummy!